Earth Offsets, LLC

Terms and Conditions


“Company” means Earth Offsets, LLC. “Customer” or “you” means the person(s) or company whose order for the Goods is accepted by Company. “Goods” means any goods or services which Company is to supply to you.

All orders are accepted by Company subject to and according to the following terms which override and exclude any other terms stipulated, incorporated or referred to by you during any negotiations or in any course of dealing between Company and you.


All prices quoted include applicable sales taxes and levies in accordance with the law of Company’s jurisdiction. Texas law governs these terms.

Company will provide reasonable proof of actions for all carbon offset purchases which demonstrate that the promised quantity of carbon emissions have been reduced/sequestered. This proof of actions will be available on and may include certification by a 3rd party.


When you purchase a subscription every month Company will bill you in the amount stated at the time of purchase using the payment method you specified. Subscriptions begin as soon as you have completed enrollment including payment confirmation. Subscriptions renew automatically each month unless you cancel the subscription. Company may change its pricing but subscription billings will not be changed without your permission. You may cancel subscriptions at any time by contacting the Company.

Legal construction / Force majeure / Exports

Company will not be liable to you or be deemed to be in breach of these terms due to any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of Company’s obligations under these terms if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond Company’s reasonable control (which include, but are not limited to government actions, war, fire, explosion, flood, acts of terrorism, import or export regulations or embargoes, labor disputes or inability to obtain or a delay in obtaining supplies of Goods or labor). Company may at its option delay the performance of or cancel the whole or any part of a purchase.